Wednesday 16 June 2010

The Annoying Little Habits Of Chris Scott (written by his nearest and dearest)

So I asked the missus to compile a list detailing the annoying habits I have that get on her nerves. I thought it would be a good idea and I was ok with her coming up with a couple then maybe I would work on trying to change them in order to become a better boyfriend, or something like that anyway. a couple of things that can be easily changed, a couple of little things that when changed wouldn’t impact my life much at all. So imagine my face when 15 annoying things later  she WAS STILL NOT FINISHED something like this

Sunday 13 June 2010

The Chris Scott guide to a productive week off work

So the past week I have had the great luxury of having a whole week off work, a whole 7 days to do everything and anything I want. I was gonna take full advantage of this once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity and I think I did well, what do you think?

Saturday 12 June 2010

Am I Crazy #01


Being the socially awkward guy that I am, going anywhere more than 3 times in a row drives me crazy and I really have no idea why.
Because I start work on a morning before all the shops are open, I have to get provisions to last me up until I can get dinner at McDonalds some healthy food place at dinner time. That coupled with my possible borderline OCD, if I don’t have the same breakfast every day

Sunday 6 June 2010

Wedding Poster Thingy

This is a design created from a photograph using Illustrator and Photoshop

Sunday 23 May 2010

Grinds My Gears

Unsolicited Emails

This was an email I received today, just thought I would share it with my fellow readers of this here blog.

From Ms.Divine to you my dear,