Monday 11 January 2010

Here we go again...

So inspired by a couple of my mates blogs here and here, I have decided to give it another go. If you so wish you can go visit my first attempt if you like half arsed blogs by a person who didn’t know what he was doing (good for a laugh at least).
With this blog I aim to bring you, my views on anything and everything along with a diary er journal thing! telling you about my life, which usually involves going from embarrassing situation to embarrassing situation with time for a McDonalds in there somewhere.
I also aim to bring you a ‘Design A Day’ which will hopefully be a daily post showing a page of sketches or a final design of whatever I feel like designing in the vein of the superb sketch a day site, while I know I will not be able to compete with sketch a day I will be using it as a means to motivate myself and to become a better designer (can I call myself a designer without a job and with just a degree?)

Anyway thats me, stick around it WILL be worth it


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