Saturday 12 June 2010

Am I Crazy #01


Being the socially awkward guy that I am, going anywhere more than 3 times in a row drives me crazy and I really have no idea why.
Because I start work on a morning before all the shops are open, I have to get provisions to last me up until I can get dinner at McDonalds some healthy food place at dinner time. That coupled with my possible borderline OCD, if I don’t have the same breakfast every day
I don’t feel right at all for the rest of that day, even if I’m full up by the breakfast. I have phases where I have to eat the same food every day, I will do so for about a month then I’ll just move on without a care, like a culinary Don Juan or something.
So this means on my way to work I have to visit the same shops every day to get my breakfast, I hate going into these shops, like really hate it. I dread it from the moment I leave the house until I have bought what I needed and got the hell outta there. The thought of becoming “a regular” fills me with massive amounts of fear.
I remember one time I had just walked in the local chippy and before I could say a word, the chip seller (yeah that’s what I’m calling them) had the full order already in the till, arm outstretched waiting for me to pay. I guess I should’ve been honoured that the chip seller recognised me (it’s not as if I went in there all the time) but all I felt was a massive wave of embarrassment hit me. It was bloody awful. So yeah, needless to say I didn’t have chips for a couple of months after that and when I finally did I was kitted out in a full on Groucho Marx mask.

So is it just me? Am I crazy? Should I be fashioning my tinfoil hats now? Let me know in the comments please


1 comment:

  1. baby guess what.........?
    you ARE crazy! but then im not exactly normal so you make perfect sense to me :)
