Thursday 28 January 2010

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Design-A-Day 014

Repeat pattern based on shape of a clover leaf, produced in Illustrator and Photoshop

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Design-A-Day 013


Messing about with the dodge and burn tool in Photoshop

Monday 25 January 2010

Design-A-Day 012

Back to basics.

I have followed the tutorial here and produced this cube. the perspective is a little off (ok a lot off) but I was just concerned about the rendering.  Promarkers, copic prismacolor and fineliner on layout paper.

Sunday 24 January 2010

Design roundup 17th - 24th Jan 2010

Designs produced in the week ending 24th Jan 2010

Design-A-Day 011

Chair concepts. Pencil on layout paper

Saturday 23 January 2010

Design-A-Day 010

Plain and simple doorstop. Created in solidworks and rendered in 3ds max

Friday 22 January 2010

Design-A-Day 009

Renders created for fellow students minimalist torch concept.  Produced using 3ds max

hit the jump for the images

Thursday 21 January 2010

3ds Max animations

All were rendered and animated in 3ds Max in my 2nd year of university.

hit the jump for the animations

Design-A-Day 008

USB stick concept created entirely in 3ds Max. Produced in 1st year of university so it isn't the best work but it's ok.

hit the jump for image

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Design-A-Day 007

Webcam Concepts

3 simple webcam concepts. Fineliner with tria markers on layout paper

hit the jump for the image

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Design-A-Day 006

Seating concepts based on the theme "organic"

Hit the jump for images

Monday 18 January 2010

Portfolio and CV

Here is my sample portfolio and a copy of my current CV

Hit the jump

Design-A-Day 005

Various design concepts created while at university

Hit the jump for images

Sunday 17 January 2010

Lomo video

This is a video showing various photos taken during my first 4 months of being a lomographer

Hit the jump to see video

Design-A-Day 004

These are a couple of pieces of design I produced for a friends band called Girls Last Choice.

All done using Photoshop cs4

Hit the jump for images

Design-A-Day 003

Tea Kettle concept based around the science that goes into making a cuppa

Hit the jump for the pictures

Saturday 16 January 2010

Design-A-Day 002

2 x 5min fineliner drawing of my son while he was sleeping

hit the jump for the pictures

Friday 15 January 2010

Design-A-Day 001

Well here it is guys, my first design-a-day and its a biggie.  This design was actually my final major project at university.  It earned me a 2:1 so it cant be that bad can it? RIGHT?
Anyway if you want you can have a read of my technical report here.

Hit the jump for pictures

Wednesday 13 January 2010

My Beard...

So the missus wants me to shave it, I want to keep growing it, its a tough one because I am not the one who has to kiss me (not when anyones looking anyway.) So I would really like to know your views on this subject, let me know by taking part in the poll on the front left of the homepage of my blog, also why not comment below.

(update) Looks like it is staying, for now at least.  The results of the poll are posted below, I was hoping for a larger number of votes I guess asking everyone for 2 clicks of the mouse was too much to ask. But thank you if you did take the time to vote.


Tuesday 12 January 2010

Cex-ual Harassment

So last Saturday night I allowed the missus to have a night out in the dives that litter this crap hole of a town (that’s just the type of guy I am, generous to a fault.) She went out with her sister and had a good night. However when it comes to kicking out time the missus thought it would be a good idea for herself, her sister and some random guy they met out that night to come back to our house. The intention being that the wife’s sister and this guy would eventually go back to her house. So a little later (at around 4 o’clock I might add) the sisters taxi arrived and the heartless bitch that she is jumped in, rode off and left this random here at our house. Great.

Monday 11 January 2010

Here we go again...

So inspired by a couple of my mates blogs here and here, I have decided to give it another go. If you so wish you can go visit my first attempt if you like half arsed blogs by a person who didn’t know what he was doing (good for a laugh at least).
With this blog I aim to bring you, my views on anything and everything along with a diary er journal thing! telling you about my life, which usually involves going from embarrassing situation to embarrassing situation with time for a McDonalds in there somewhere.
I also aim to bring you a ‘Design A Day’ which will hopefully be a daily post showing a page of sketches or a final design of whatever I feel like designing in the vein of the superb sketch a day site, while I know I will not be able to compete with sketch a day I will be using it as a means to motivate myself and to become a better designer (can I call myself a designer without a job and with just a degree?)

Anyway thats me, stick around it WILL be worth it
